Lingam massage training

How to love and heal a man through pleasures?
Touch has a wonderful power, but how do you touch your partner in such a way that their soul strings begin to ring?
I teach all this in the lingam massage part of training. I have put together the training from my own practical experience and have more than 10,000 hours behind it. I am not a theorist but a complete practitioner; I love pleasure and share my experiences authentically.
It is a unique, innovative, and surprising training for women.

Lingam massage training has spoken to thousands of women in Estonia and outside our country's borders around the world aged 14-75 years. During the training, you will hear exciting facts about sexuality and sex education.

The trainings are informative and practical.

Why is lingam massage (i.e., male genital massage) special and beneficial?

  • Pleasure, intimacy, and closeness increase
  • Something completely new and extraordinary
  • Better quality and longer-lasting intercourse
  • For the treatment of premature ejaculation,
  • Helps with erectile dysfunction
  • To prevent prostate cancer
  • For the treatment of prostatitis,
  • Better relationship than ever
  • Helps reduce tension and anxiety
  • Great for depression

In addition to pleasure, Lingam massage is also one of the forms of therapy that a woman can use to help a man if the problem is premature ejaculation, intercourse that is too short in time, or problems with the prostate gland.

The lingam massage or male genital massage training consists of two parts:

  • Introduction - Many fascinating facts about men, scientific studies, examples from life itself, anatomy and physiology, the laws of the holistic world, reflection on a couple's relationship, etc.
  • Practice on dildos - More than 30 different positions

Lingam massage is the ultimate experience and a completely new, undiscovered world for a man. The touch has a healing effect; there are thousands of nerve endings at the top of the lingam, which can only be stimulated by massage, and through this, the mental and physical health of the man improves. He is a better and more balanced man than ever!

What is the expected result?

The relationship becomes more intimate and deeper, and many everyday problems lose their importance because the man is no longer so tense. By loving your man through touches, caresses, and pleasures, his Love for you grows. We live in a world of reflections, and when you share Love, you get a lot of it back!

  • This is the first part of an introduction to the world of pleasure.
  • In addition, you will get materials and coconut oil to remember what you learned in the training and to practice diligently.

Duration: 4 hours
Lingam massage ensures pleasure and intimacy.

The training is suitable for everyone aged 14 - 75 years.

Sexuality education contributes to mental and physical health, gives more awareness, and makes people happier!

Even companies led by their innovative managers have started organizing team training, and the feedback has been very positive. The spirit of the team has risen, and the sales results have increased.

Love is magic, which, along with pleasure, is the greatest gift to any person!




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